I have some ideas swimming around my head for an adventure/campaign in a low-magic setting. Instead of having PC classes dedicated to spell casting, I want magic to be something that anyone can access as long as they have the knowledge and equipment and are willing to pay the price. This rules out Magic-Users, Elves and Clerics. Most players will want to play as humans and this leaves them with only two choices - Fighter or Specialist/Thief.
To give players a bit more choice in character creation, and to allow for more diverse party make-up, I have thrown together some ideas for Cleric without spells. I want this class to have the flavour of a Cleric and to fill the same roles in the party as a Cleric, but without all the magic attached. I decided on three things that make the Cleric unique and define their role in a D&D game: Healing, Turning Undead and Creating Holy Water. This new class, which I am calling the 'Priest', is based around these three abilities.
All these things are done using magic in the standard Cleric class, so I have found ways to make them more grounded in reality. Adventurer Priests know how to provide medical care for wounded characters, exploit weaknesses in undead creatures and synthesise a substance that mimics holy water. Below is a link to a pdf of the nitty-gritty rules for the Priest class.
Priest Class